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Marty Love and George Basten
478 times.
John Parker and Kevin Ateah
613 times.
Jesse Magowan and Heath Denson
422 times.
Justin Conway and Jim Jones
312 times.
Kevin Ateah and Connor Levi
373 times.
Kai Alexander and Ennio Guardu
393 times.
Connor Levi and Brad Fitt
363 times.
Rudy Valentino and Felix Webster
315 times.
Timmy Taylor and Xander Hollis
423 times.
Denis Reed and Kai Alexander
180 times.
Tim Law and Milan Sharp
219 times.
Heath Denson and Marty Love
144 times.
Kevin Ateah and Xander Hollis
383 times.
Milan Sharp and Darin Bone
163 times.
Milan Sharp and Neo Matthews
157 times.
Owen Moore and Timmy Taylor
198 times.
Tim Walker and Xander Hollis
375 times.
Marc Sage and Randy Faulkner
130 times.
Milan Sharp and Xander Hollis
151 times.
Justin Conway and Alec Palk
164 times.
Kris Wallace and Rudy Bodlak
326 times.
Kamyk Walker and Josh Adams
168 times.
Brad Fitt and Kamyk Walker
261 times.
Rudy Valentino and Xander Hollis
223 times.
Tim Law and Derrick Vandal
133 times.
Kris Wallace and Milan Sharp
156 times.
Connor Levi and Ricky Nielsen
139 times.
Rudy Valentino and Matt Laughton
222 times.
Tim Walker and Mickey Moon
250 times.
Felix Webster and Milan Sharp
110 times.
Kai Alexander and Lucas Davidson
211 times.
Jason King and Kris Wallace
124 times.
Jan Saikov and Tim Law
Stanley Black and Justin Conway
138 times.
Thomas Grey and Xander Hollis
173 times.
Jason King and Benjamin Dunn
91 times.
Tim Law and Tim Walker
210 times.
Damian Dickey and Brad Fitt
192 times.
Nathan Levi and Orlando White
Brad Fitt and Orlando White
Benjamin Dunn and Xander Hollis
206 times.
Alexander Syden and Blake Hanson
150 times.
Max Logan and Sascha Bryce
106 times.
Kris Wallace and Benjamin Dunn
137 times.
Ethan White and Alexander Syden
189 times.
Rudy Bodlak and Sven Laarson
165 times.
Robie Kasl and Tim Walker
217 times.
Xander Hollis and Dick Casey
Nathan Levi and Denis Maste
Tim Walker and Brad Fitt
374 times.
Milan Sharp and Benjamin Dunn
349 times.